Welcome to a slow paced yoga class designed to reach areas of your body from head to toe

Enjoy Outdoor Yoga under the beautiful trees (rainy days we will move inside) or online in the comfort of your home.
All Classes: Tuesdays 10:15-11:30am
Location: Friendship Hall (Saratoga Prospect Center) in Saratoga
19848 Prospect Rd, Saratoga CA 95070
Class sign ups:
- 1/7-3/4 (all 7 classes $15 per class): https://bit.ly/4fHaw9p
- 1/7-3/4 drop in ($18 per class): https://bit.ly/3ZwDMeD
- NO CLASS 2/18
Questions? Ask me: anouk@anoukyoga.com

photo by Annika Sivi